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Marina Pez Vela Pixel Show

Project Category : Marina

Project Location : Costa Rica

Client Name : Marina Pez Vela

Marina Pez Vela is an on going project started in 2021.  By working with Alliance Show Creations our client is able to consistently expand their pixel show while remaining cost effective.  Giving our clients options and the ability to grow while keeping their light show fresh each year is something we at Alliance specialize in.  We understand the unique needs of operating large light displays, we not only build them we own them too!

Meeting the unique needs of this location was also a priority.  All products were shipped from the USA to Costa Rica in a timely manner allowing our clients to become familiar with each item, no last minute rush.  The first year involved shipping a twenty-five foot complete pixel tree.  Year two included the addition of custom pixel props, expanded sequencing, on site training and supervision.  Year three of the pixel show is currently in the planning stage.  Working at a salt water marina provided it’s own challenges in keeping the controllers salt water free.

While this show is pixel based we do work with LED lighting giving our customers the unique look they are dreaming about.  Custom props are available for any style of lighting.

At Alliance Show Creations we are available for on site training, location scouting and troubleshooting anywhere in the world.  Do you have a location but your just not sure if it will work, give us a call.  Having a good relationship with our clients is very important to us.  Working within a budget is important to our clients.  We strive to do both.

If you would like to know more about setting up a pixel show or taking your existing show to the next level feel free to give us a call or drop us an email here.